The beauty of the Rubik Cube is its beastliness. Each complimenting other to create the complexity of putting each in its right order. Only when every colour is in order, the game is marked complete.
So are We...!!!
Always Committed to serve our clients to the fullest.

Beyond Engineering, we endeavour to provide solutions
Our Latest Success Story
In India the greatest achievement is to serve the teacher who taught you.
So this story goes.
Prof. S.R Gudisagar's, was the Head of Dept. (Civil Engineering), at the time when Mr. Dileep Kumar - Our Technical Head was a student in Basaveshwara Engineering College, Bagalkot. We got a opportunity to serve him, after 35 years., and due to our specialized technical knowledge.
The case was, at Prof. S.R Gudisagar's house in Nargund, the basement was getting seepage. The outer side of the basement wall had 15' high loose murrum filling, and the place had absolutely no access for any operation to be undertaken. Professor sir called us to provide solution as he was unable to study and assess a solution for the issue.
We completely stabilized the soil & completely arrested the seepage from all sides. The very few days later with the change in climate and incessant rain, the work has stood by our commitment of resolving the issue.
Added, We were asked to provide our service to waterproof a roof surface, Building owned by Professors sons, who themselves are the distributors for Dr.Fixit waterproofing chemicals, which was completed successfully.
Our ability to serve clients all across Karnataka state, was once more reiterated.
We believe this will be the best remembered success story for us on our pages.
Project & Construction Management
Our team along with a unmatched experience in Design, Design Co-ordination, Services Co-ordination, Planning, Scheduling, Time lines monitoring, Cost & Quantities monitoring, Quality Management & many other Project management activities has been continuously engaged in handling Project management & Execution, across the complete state and offers most optimized solutions. Our projects include, Hospitals, Hotels, Institutions, Commercial buildings & Layouts.
Waterproofing & Thermal Coatings
The most neglected & most deterioration of buildings happens due to improper waterproofing. Reason being the fact, water causes rusting of the iron reinforcements provided in the structural members. It is the fact, the deterioration dose not happen only through the elements provided in a building having the reinforcements, seepages and dampness has been widely reported from basements & walls. As such ever element in the building is susceptible for deterioration & eventually the whole building.
We provide a 360 degree evaluation of the building as a case study and provide customized solutions, specific for each building through our expertise.
Cost being a serious concern, we are manufacturers of waterproofing compounds in our associate unit as "Noble Wonder Cool", which is a integrated Waterproofing & Thermal coating. Apart from our own compounds, we use chemicals from Bostik, Sika, BASF, Fosroc, Dr.Fixit etc., to provide a 360 Degree solutions.
Our Guarantees towards our works vary from 5 years to 10 years depending on the specificity of the issue for the specific building.
Retrofitting & Rehabilitation
It is not necessary that every building gets weakened due to water seepage alone, It is also possible that the functionality changes, changing the loading pattern, the elements are some times affected due to raw material defects, or even the seepages deteriorate the building.
All activities done post construction, either due to repairs or even the modifications done are termed Retrofitting or Rehabilitation.
Some of the Retrofitting are done towards re-strengthening, providing extra strength to the columns, beams, slabs & even Footings too. We redesign the buildings for the specific requirements & Retrofit the specific elements to cater to the new requirements. We do Concrete jacketing, Steel lamination, Carbon wrapping etc., We carry expertise in this area.
Rehabilitation is a term used to rehabilitate damaged buildings, old buildings, historical buildings. Retrofitting being our expertise, we do carry expertise in rehabilitation of buildings.